The issue of inadequate capital remains one of the major challenges of business entrepreneurs in Nigeria. Business firms are constantly searching for ways to expand their operations and deliver quality services and increase revenue, while the new ones want to start in good shape but enough funding is not readily available. Leasing has been long established as a creative financing tool for the acquisition of capital assets. Over the years, leasing has grown into an industry of imposing scope, and greater potentials are met through this unique form of financing.
This study examines the impact of finance leasing on the performance of Nigerian banks.
The population of the study consists of twenty (20) banks that are quoted on the Nigerian stock exchange and members of ÉLAN as at 31st December, 2005. The sample of the study is five (5) banks drawn randomly from the population of the study.
The study uses linear regression as a tool of analysis to assess the impact of lease financing on profitability, investment and shareholders fund of the selected banks.
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Statement of problem
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